
Project for a City of the Future

Autor: Vicente Guallart
Nakladatelství: ACTAR
Rok vydání: 2011
ISBN: 978-84-95951-83-0
Formát: 15 cm x 21 cm, 250 stran, měkký přebal
Jazyk: anglicky
Běžná cena: 750 Kč
Naše cena: 680 Kč (bez 0 % DPH: 680,00 Kč)
  27,64 € (bez 0 % DPH: 27,64 €)
Skladem: 0 ks

Sociopolis is a project for the building of a city neighbourhood of public housing in the 21st century. Under the direction of Vicente Guallart, thirteen international architects (Toyo Ito, MVRDV, FOA, François Roche, etc.) propose schemes for the construction of a neighborhood in the city of Valencia, schemes in which a new relationship is posited with the farming and natural environment, thus creating the conditions for a new shared habitat.