El Croquis 143: Gigon & Guyer

Nakladatelství: El Croquis
Rok vydání: 2009
ISBN: 9788488386526
Formát: 236 stran, 25x35 cm
Jazyk: anglicky, španělsky
Naše cena: 1200 Kč (bez 0 % DPH: 1 200,00 Kč)
  48,98 € (bez 0 % DPH: 48,98 €)
Skladem: 0 ks (standardní doba expedice do 30 dnů)

Since their earlier acclaim the architectural approach of Annette Gigon and Mike Guyer has been further consolidated through a number of thought-provoking and balanced projects. Their vision is exemplified by such works as the Museum of Transport, Luzern, which graces the front cover of this issue, alongside designs for the art-depot for Gallery Henze & Ketterer, the Löwenbräu Arts Centre with accompanying residential tower and offices, and their celebrated Single Family House in the Canton of Graubünden. In this volume El Croquis examines a total of 20 projects produced between 2001 to 2008 through extensive illustrations containing full-page colour photographs, technical drawings and models. An essay exploring the context and development of their practice, bibliographic information, and an interview between the architects and Hubertus Adams and Stanislaus von Moos are also included.