Vrchlabí - Dozens of people at the headquarters of the Krkonošsko-national-park Administration (KRNAP) in Vrchlabí expressed their disagreement today with a development project at Jelení Louky in Pec pod Sněžkou and with the approach of the KRNAP Administration. They had banners reading "No to the apartment monster at Jelení Louky" or "Jelení Louky is not a hunting ground for developers," as reported on site by ČTK. The demonstration was called by the organizers of the petition Save Jelení Louky. The investor's plan for Bouda Jelení Potok was approved by the municipality and the KRNAP Administration, while the authorities reject the criticism.
A recreational residential building is to be established on the foundations of a demolished structure. The protesters are demanding the cessation of the project. "We gathered here because of what KRNAP has done, or rather what it hasn't done," said Bernard Heinitz, one of the organizers of the event, to ČTK. He estimated the number of protesters at 50. According to him, there are 1500 signatures under the electronic petition, and about 500 more on the paper petition.
The petition calls for stopping all steps towards the construction of the recreational facility, preparing a detailed impact study of the construction on the environment, involving the public in deciding the future of Jelení Louky, and disclosing the specific individuals from KRNAP who decided on the permit.
"The KRNAP Administration supports the creation of a robust development project in the heart of Krkonoš nature at Jelení Louky. It granted exceptions to its rules for a building with a volume of 9500 cubic meters, which is three times larger than the original hut on whose foundations the object is to be built," said the signatories. They claim the planned construction is also significantly larger than the neighboring inn Jelení Louky.
According to critics, the object is to be built eight meters from the strictly protected quiet area, where rangers impose thousands of crowns in fines for mere entry. "We do not understand how the KRNAP administration could allow another recreational facility in this unique enclave. This permission contradicts the essence of the KRNAP administration's function and does not act as a responsible steward tasked with protecting the Krkonoš National Park. The construction of this recreational facility already violates the principle of the quiet zone in this enclave,"states the petition.
Jelení Louky is a popular destination for locals and visitors to Pec. The KRNAP Administration argues that it has exhausted all its legal options regarding the matter, having dealt with it for several years. According to them, the building will be constructed on the site of the previous building, and thus the biotopes protected in the Natura 2000 system will not be affected.
The director of the KRNAP Administration, Robin Böhnisch, addressed the protesters and answered their questions. "Without irony, I am glad that so many people interested in Krkonoš nature gathered in front of the KRNAP administration, even though they do not know our powers," Böhnisch told reporters. According to him, the critics position KRNAP as the absolute ruler in the Krkonoš and request the administration to take actions for which it has no competence. "The Czech Republic is a rule of law where laws apply equally to both investors and state administration, including the KRNAP administration," said KRNAP spokesman Radek Drahný.
The original intention of the new building was rejected multiple times by the KRNAP Administration and revised. According to the administration, the planned construction has been reduced, the architectural design modified, its capacity significantly limited, or the relocation of specially protected species of plants ordered. In September 2024, the municipal office in Pec issued a favorable decision regarding the placement of the construction after territorial proceedings, and according to the opinion of the Trutnov municipal office, the plan is permissible according to the valid territorial plan. "The final project meets all the requirements of applicable regulations and KRNAP could not issue a dissenting opinion on it," said Drahný.
The planned object is expected to include up to 42 beds in ten accommodation units and 13 parking spaces, the municipality stated.
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