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If children could build a kindergarten themselves, it would definitely look like the one named Sörgården in Tullinge, south of Stockholm. Playful and with cheerful details, full of light, well-designed and friendly, yet also robust and durable. The very act of designing was, in a way, a return to childhood.
For Carolin Fleming and Johan Granqvist from the architectural office Total Arkitektur, there is no better field than architecture. The opportunity to be creative, work with people and for people, creating extraordinary spaces for living and working, these are the reasons why they consider their work exceptional. Such an attitude can be felt throughout the entire team. The architectural office, which besides residential buildings also specifically designs schools and social care facilities, has been in existence for 70 years. During all this time, as projects have been designed and built for various generations and needs, valuable experience has been accumulated, which is now shared with the young team.
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