24.4. from 20:20 in the Banquet Hall of the Hotel Kiev, Kamenné Square
Source www.pechakucha.sk
Publisher Tisková zpráva
12.04.2008 00:15
We would like to inform you that ticket sales begin on April 11 at Designshop - Galéria Médium, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18 and at the Ex Libris bookstore, Prepoštská 4.
Pecha Kucha Nights Bratislava are live presentations by architects, designers, visual artists, and theorists in a unique format of 20 images x 20 seconds, founded in 2003 in Tokyo, Japan by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham. Pecha Kucha Night is currently taking place in 119 cities worldwide.
At PKN BA Vol. 2, the following will present: Jan Kratochvíl / Archiweb Cyril Blažo Marek Bohunický / BYRO Radovan Čerevka Emil Drličiak Zdeněk Fránek / Fránek Architecs Peter Sticzay – Gromski / GRIDO Marcel Holubec David Kopecký, Ján Studený / ksa. Bety K. Majerníková Stano Masár Juliana Mrvová Emőke Vargová Márius Žitňanský