Irene Djao-Rakitine: Brno and the Landscape in the City
Publisher Tisková zpráva
27.06.2016 17:15
The lecture by London landscape architect Irène Djao-Rakitine will take place on Thursday, June 30, 2016, at 7:00 PM at the Místodržitelský palác in Brno.
Irène Djao-Rakitine is originally from France, currently based in London, and is currently working on projects in London, Moscow, Taipei, and green concept planning for the city of Luxembourg. Along with other guests, she will engage in a discussion on the topic of landscape and urban greenery in relation to Brno and its further development after her lecture. There will also be an opportunity to ask about the project of the team of which Djao-Rakitine was a part, which recently won second prize in the urban planning competition Klára Salzmann, a leading Czech landscape architect, has also accepted the invitation to the discussion. The lecture will be conducted in English.