Friday, May 7, 2010, 16:00–02:00 NOD, Dlouhá 33, Prague
raumlabor (de) and guests – international symposium some ideas for better cities In the Platonic sense, a constructive intellectual discussion among architects, urban planners, artists, sociologists, anthropologists, and performers on the topic of the city, its development, and the current conditions within it combined with good food and drink. Complemented by a week-long exhibition of students from atelier A3.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 20:00 Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, Bethlehem Square 5a, Prague
Marco Andrade Maio (pt) – social architecture and the saal process
Gonçalo Prudêncio (pt) – social architecture, building and planning social infrastructure as a social catalyst
Jiří Ryba (cz) – democratic and engaged architecture Part of contemporary European architecture creates projects that actively seek to support and promote social and cultural inclusion and integration. Where does this impulse come from, and what projects are its results? What social conditions are favorable for democratic and engaged architecture? How long was the journey from designing gas chambers to inclusion architecture? What do the individual exhibited projects have in common, and how do they differ? Is the social cohesion of contemporary European cities threatened, and who takes responsibility for it? These and similar questions will be addressed in a theoretical lecture from the field of sociology.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 18:00 Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, Bethlehem Square 5a, Prague
Christoph Reinprecht (at) – On the way to new construction of social housing? Current trends and challenges. The significance and function of social housing construction are undergoing profound changes. The lecture outlines the current trends, problems, and discussions from a European perspective and brings arguments for the necessity to redefine the concept of social housing construction in Europe and beyond.
Friedrich Passler, Jan Schröder (at) – alleswirdgut: everything will be alright
Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 20:00 National Technical Library, Technická 6, Prague-Dejvice