On Thursday, November 23, 2017, at 19:00, another lecture from the Dialogues with History series will take place at the BUBEC art studio, Tělovýchovná 748 in the Prague suburb of Řeporyje. The mayors of the municipalities of Bukovany and Nové Bystřice near Olomouc will present.
How to move from the intention of revitalizing a village or town to its realization? The mayor of Bukovany, Ing. Ivana Vančurová, and the deputy mayor of Velká Bystřice, Mgr. Ivo Slavotínek, will share their experiences. Of course, your questions are welcome.
Sborwitz Architects received the Rudolf Eitelberger Prize for successful implementation in the fields of architecture, urbanism, and heritage care in Olomouc and the Olomouc region. In 2011, they were awarded the Construction of the Year for the Olomouc Region for the reconstruction of the Square in Velká Bystřice.
The project Dialogues with History is a series of lectures intended for the general public - all potential builders: whether private or representatives of local or municipal administrations, developers. It is primarily a message from architects - not just as individuals or one studio, but information from architects as a whole towards society. The project aims to sow and spread the idea that just as relationships function among people in society, so do relationships among objects. Unlike society, where people move and the composition of people sharing a common space changes, objects do not change their place and remain; they are built for a minimum of one hundred years and more, and the spaces defined by them - both internal and external - influence the conscious and subconscious behavior and thinking of future generations. Houses and objects can connect spaces, create pleasant, kind environments for living, and they can also create barriers and places where one does not wish to linger. Therefore, every intervention or alteration in existing conditions should be sensitive, responsibly designed with regard to the connections and relationships they change. I believe that what is new should lead to a dialogue with what has already existed. There should be a dialogue with history with the awareness that it is a legacy for the future. A guest - an active architect, theorist, or popularizer of architecture - is invited to each lecture and will present building from their perspective. The audience will thus become acquainted with the content of an architect's work, what to expect from them, and the goal is for them to be educated themselves, as without a good brief, there can be no good solution. And an architect without an informed investor is powerless. Young architects and well-known personalities have accepted the invitation to participate in the project, such as: Adam Gebrian, Prof. Rostislav Švácha, Projektil architects, atelier K2, Michal Fišer, AA atelier Ladislav Lábuse, FAM architects, and others…. Lectures have taken place in Klatovy, Karlovy Vary, Prachatice, Brno, and in Prague Řeporyje, and in the future, they will gradually move to other places in the Czech Republic.In 2016, Dialogues with History were nominated for the Czech Architecture Award in the category of Exceptional Achievement.
"Dialogues with History is conceived by the author of this project, Arch. Michaela Zucconi, as a platform for dialogue between the public on one side and architects or heritage experts on the other. The project is based on organizing lecture cycles in Czech and Moravian cities and is already garnering great interest from the public. This seems very welcome to me; one of the weaknesses of architectural creation and heritage care is precisely the fact that both of these 'institutions' do not sufficiently explain their purpose and intentions to the public and do not engage in permanent and open debate with this public. The Dialogues with History project aims to partly remedy this deficit."