Tisková zpráva
06.05.2015 09:45

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line up - program workshopu
jiri vitek
| 13.05.15 09:39
an intermediate GRASSHOPPER workshop with Adrian Krężlik, Kacper Radziszewski (PL) and Ján Pernecký (SK)
on 29 - 31 May 2015
at PRAHA / Fórum pro architekturu a média, Husova 18 in BRNO, Czech Republic
regular fee 180€ / 4950 Kč
register at,
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Friday, May 29th 2015
Jan|Recap – lists, vectors, remapping, data trees
Kacper|Mesh – simple mesh creation, marching cubes (architectural forms in low resolution)
Adrian|Loops – introduction to Anemone, looping, iterations and recursion
Kacper|Growth – random curve growth, mesh diffusion limited aggregation (urban boundaries growth)
Jan|Aggregation – addition of a multitude of elements (urban growth)
Adrian|Internal growth forces, scalar fields, vector fields – theoretical introduction, simple examples (growth control)
Adrian|Cellular automata – Game of life (internal logic of urban development)
Jan|Design by Behavior
Kacper + Adrian| Design by Behavior. Application and Case Studies.

Saturday, May 30th 2015
Adrian|Wool threads – self-adhesive optimization of custom curves (paths and boundaries for multi-agent systems)
Kacper|Fractals, L-systems, Turtle graphics – Sierpinski or Koch fractal (self-similar structures, the problems of a grammar system)
Jan|Boid – introduction to flocking, vector logic, basic setup (complex system setup)
Jan|Boid behaviors – wander, adhesion, repulsion, alignment, revolution, stickiness, sliding, bouncing
Kacper|Flocking-based forms – tail recording, marching cubes, 2D metaballs (excessive form-making)
Kacper|Circle packing with Boids – simplified verlet physics (space optimization)
Adrian|Elk – quick introduction, map import

Sunday, May 31st 2015
Jan+ Kacper + Adrian
//Multiple flocks – flock interaction, multiple loopback data sets (contradictory tendencies in complex systems)
Custom agent behaviors – grasshopper clusters, situation-based vector generation (towards urban self-organization)
Various agent types – typing, retyping, dispatching, variable behaviors influence (simulating temporal urban development// included in superdefintion only)

Superdefinition – putting all the knowledge and skills into one definition: multi-agent flocking system, custom agent behaviors, cellular-automaton for variable agent states, agent tails and guide geometry wool-thread modification, well-controlled boundary growth, space optimization, mesh envelopes of urban elements (generic emergent urban pattern)

The iterative methods utilize Anemone and Boid Grasshopper plug-ins to simulate optimization and form-making in a temporal step-by-step process.

The second of three workshops will be taught by Jan Pernecky, maker of the flocking simulation library Boid and Adrian Krężlik and Kacper Radziszewski, two of the most eager promoters of the iterative approach and flocking simulations in the Grasshopper environment.

Workshops will establish algorithmic, iterative and emergent paradigms in architectural design and teach skill in the parametric/algorithmic software Grasshopper. The first two of the workshops aim at the software tutorials, theoretical insight and abstract application. The last workshop will introduce the gained skills and approaches into practice through a site-specific urban-planning assignment.

The workshop will be held in English.
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