Interview with Dan Merta

director of the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery and curator of the exhibition New Face of Prague

Kateřina Lopatová
11.08.2008 18:15

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The latest exhibition at the Prague Gallery of Jaroslav Fragner is somewhat untraditionally installed at the Czech Centre in Rytířská Street. This is because the home space at Bethlehem Square is undergoing reconstruction during the summer. Visitors can view the exhibition NEW FACE OF PRAGUE - contemporary Prague architecture after 1990 until August 20; afterwards, as promised by its organizers, it will travel to several other European cities. The exhibition presents fifty completed as well as unrealized projects on large-format panels, which, according to the creators of the exhibition, have most significantly impacted the face of the city. The concentration of successful realizations in one place can evoke hope, and the effort to define post-November development is undoubtedly beneficial. However, from the perspective of the professional community, it is certainly a pity that more space was not dedicated to drawings: objects are presented primarily through photographs. Visitors will also often find it difficult to seek broader relationships: the connection of new buildings to their surroundings, their location in the city, or their placement within the framework of urban undertakings or plans. The buildings seem to represent, with a bit of exaggeration, merely a kind of makeup on a face, the anatomy of which remains hidden...

We discussed what image of Prague the exhibition presents, what its concept is, and whether the metropolis can afford to show its true image abroad in a short interview with the curator and also the director of GJF, Dan Merta.
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