Pavlína Drbálková
04.12.2012 10:20
Martin Jančok

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Responds Elias Redstone, an independent curator, correspondent, and editor, based in London and Paris. 2008 - curator of the London Festival of Architecture, 2010 – curator of the Polish Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale, 2012 - curator of the British Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale. He collaborates with prominent cultural and educational institutions such as the Architectural Association, MoMA, Tate Modern, Victoria & Albert Museum.

Asks Martin Jančok, architect and initiator of the ARCHIZINES BRATISLAVA exhibition. He has worked at the studio zerozero, later founded his own studio plural, participated in the realization of the exhibition of the Pavilion of the Czech and Slovak Republics at the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2009, and received the CE ZA AR awards in 2011 and 2012.

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Redakce ctí v maximální možné míře svobodu slova, nicméně ve výjimečných případech si vyhrazuje právo smazat nebo opatřit komentářem příspěvek, který se netýká tématu diskuse, porušuje platné zákony ČR nebo dobré jméno portálu, obsahuje vulgarismy nebo má reklamní charakter.