Svitava Under Steam 2017 and workshop Camera Obscura
Source Svitava pod parou
Publisher Tisková zpráva
01.07.2017 10:30
Another workshop on the Svitava riverbank will take place from July 1 to July 3, 2017.
Saturday, July 1. 9:00 – 18:00 Workshop – conversion of a freight wagon (built-in wardrobes, construction of a bar, and installation of lighting, there may also be painting of the roof) 18:00 – 22:00 Music in the wagon + grill and beer from Dragonfly Brewery Performing: Źába a Had – folk-acoustic / Znojmo A folk band from Znojmo/Hrušovany that loves Star Wars.
Sunday, July 2. 10:00 – 18:00 Workshop – wagon modification (we will finish what was not completed on Saturday)
Monday, July 3. 9:00 – 19:00 Camera Obscura Workshop The Camera Obscura photography workshop, subtitled Drawing Space vs. Drawing with Space, will take place as part of the Svitava Under Steam 2017 event. On Monday, July 3, 2017, students from the Faculty of Architecture at VUT Brno, led by Ing. arch. Barbora Ponešová, will transform a wagon into a camera obscura. In one part, the exterior image will be captured digitally, and in the other part, traditionally – on light-sensitive paper. The program will be enriched with several guests: in the morning, photographer MgA. Evžen Sobek will present his latest work, and in the afternoon, members of the Fotografiks studio will introduce the possibilities of large-format digital printing. The project is carried out with the financial support of the statutory city of Brno and the Faculty of Architecture in Brno.