Lenka Horáková; tisková zpráva
16.07.2014 20:25

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Brno - Fifty students organized a mourning march this evening as a farewell to democracy at the Faculty of Architecture of the Brno University of Technology. They expressed their disagreement with the actions of 13 professors and associate professors who threaten to leave the faculty if the rector appoints the newly elected Rostislav Koryčánek as dean. They criticize him for not being a trained architect. The students consider the behavior of the teachers to be unfortunate, said student Jan Kristek to ČTK today.

The election of the dean has been dragging on for more than a quarter of a year due to the obstructions of some faculty members. According to Kristka, the teachers threatening to leave have crossed a bearable limit. Rector Petr Štěpánek has not yet appointed Koryčánek as dean and is deciding on further steps.
"During the dean election process, a narrow group of professors and associate professors violated democratic principles and the established boundaries of coexistence within the academic community and the faculty," said Kristek, who is a doctoral student at the faculty and one of the initiators of the march. According to him, the professors chose a method of pressure on the rector and are blocking the appointment of a democratically elected candidate for the position of dean.
Among the students, there are those who support the appointment of Koryčánek as well as those who do not. However, all labeled the conduct of the teachers as coercive and agreed that it is necessary to stand up against it. "The entire election process on their part has been full of obstructions and has lasted over three months. Professors signed a statement at a closed meeting that the appointment of a dean is incompatible with their continued presence in office. With this step, they circumvent the decision of the democratic senate and destabilize the faculty, which is beyond bearable," warned Kristek.
The students wanted to express their disagreement with a portion of the faculty members, but also to show support for the rector in his difficult decision-making. According to the students, a concession by the rector and not appointing Koryčánek could set a precedent for future cases, which could threaten democracy.
Rector Petr Štěpánek has not yet appointed Koryčánek, who previously led the House of Art in Brno. "The rector is carefully monitoring the situation. He wants to find the best solution for the faculty and the entire Brno University of Technology," said VUT spokesperson Jitka Vanýsková to ČTK.
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