About the future of the former bourgeois brewery in Broumov
Open letter to the representatives of the city of Broumov
Source Naše Broumovsko
Publisher Tisková zpráva
07.11.2016 15:35
Dear councilors, we urge you as elected representatives of the citizens of Broumov to prioritize the value of the land owned by the city when deciding the future of the former town brewery and the surrounding land and to avoid its sale. The land is located on the edge of a heritage zone, in close proximity to the monastery - a national cultural monument, the monastery garden, and directly adjacent to Schroll’s park and the city center. The city should not dispose of this significant strategic location under any circumstances, especially since it is the last extensive piece of land without a clear definition of use and thus holds enormous potential for the future development of the city. Please pay attention to the attached schematic map that illustrates the size of the land in the city center. As evidenced by the conducted architectural and historical survey, the brewery building is not in a state of emergency; it is secured and currently requires no major investments. The preservation of the building, its reconstruction, or potential demolition should be the subject of a broad public discussion aimed at commissioning a professional study for its further public use or for the use of the land itself. We ask you to approach the management of municipal property responsibly, to care for its appreciation, and to ensure its effective use instead of selling it. If we are currently unable to care for the former brewery building, it does not mean that it will not be possible in the near future. However, selling it would mean a definitive loss of not only the land but also the city’s control over this valuable area.
Dáša Zbořilová Marcela Kolářová Bohdana Hyťhová Šárka Rambousková Štěpán Přibyl Arnold Vodochodský Libuše Betášová Petr Bergmann Petr Staněk
Collect signatures for this open letter to the councilors by Friday, November 11, 2016, and submit them at the contact point: the café-store Fontána, Opočenského street, Broumov, or send them to Dáša Zbořilová via email at: da.sa.le@seznam.cz