International Conference, September 4-5, 2013 Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové
The conference is held as part of the project “In the Footsteps of Modernity”: cross-border museum cooperation focusing on the period when Central Europe set trends in architecture and design; in collaboration with the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna.
The conference is under the patronage of His Excellency Ferdinand Trauttmansdorff, the Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the Czech Republic. The application deadline has been extended to July 20, 2013.
We ask those interested in participating in the conference to send their application, including an abstract of their contribution in Czech or English (length of each version 900 - 1500 characters), to the address no later than this date. The editorial board will review the abstracts and reserves the right not to include a contribution in the conference. Applications submitted after the deadline or without abstracts will not be considered. Any further questions regarding participation in the conference should be sent to
Editorial Board: PhDr. Richard Biegel, Ph.D. – Institute of Art History, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University in Prague doc. PhDr. Pavel Šopák, Ph.D. – Institute of Historical Sciences, Silesian University in Opava Mgr. Jakub Potůček – Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art, National Gallery in Prague
The conference is intended for the general public.
Languages of the conference: Czech, English, German
Length of presentations: 25-30 minutes
The contributions will be divided into sections based on selected topics. Participants who prepare their presentations as a complete study will be offered a symbolic author’s fee and the opportunity to publish their text in a peer-reviewed publication. The editorial board of the conference publication reserves the right to propose modifications to submitted contributions or to reject a contribution if it does not meet the formal, content, and professional criteria for publication in the proceedings.
Thematic Areas: 1) The School of Architecture of Otto Wagner 2) Significant Students of Otto Wagner 3) Architect Jan Kotěra 4) Schools of Architecture of Jan Kotěra
With timely registration, we offer accommodation for participants from outside Prague and abroad. Accommodation will be covered by the MVČ for speakers up to a specified amount.
The international conference will include the opening of an exhibition organized for the centenary of the museum building and a guided tour of modern architecture in Hradec Králové and the museum building.