Hradec Králové - The town hall in Hradec Králové intends to repair the historic Great Square in the city center at a cost of about 160 million CZK. Half of the repair should be covered by a grant from the European Union. The city is currently selecting an architect, based on whose design the builders will carry out the repairs. If everything goes smoothly, the reconstruction could begin in the spring of 2011, the city hall deputy Josef Malíř told ČTK today. Of the four proposals, the projects by ARN studio of architect Jiří Krejčík and the architectural office of Roman Koucký currently have the best chance of realization. The expert jury recommended Koucký's design, while the city council prefers Krejčík's proposal. The final selection should be made by the councilors at the May meeting. They should also take into consideration a poll among citizens, where Krejčík's study is currently leading. Great Square now mainly serves as a parking lot for about 250 cars. The center is asphalted, while the paving stones around its perimeter are in poor condition. The city expects that after the repairs, the number of parking spaces will decline by about half. Both favored proposals address the square's redevelopment as a single paved area without curbs and other height divisions. The square is divided by both proposals into a lively part with parking, a colonnade, and restaurants, and a relaxing part dominated by ecclesiastical buildings on the southern side of the square. According to councilors, Krejčík's proposal takes better account of the square's use for cultural and other events. According to Malíř, the preparation of the construction will be quite complicated, as the reconstruction will affect many landowners and houses in the square. An archaeological survey will also be necessary. The city will also have to coordinate the timing of the repairs with energy companies and waterworks, which will also be fixing their networks under the square's surface. "In an optimistic scenario, the square could be completed in 2012," Malíř said. The Hradec city hall is investing significant sums in the square's repairs. Two years ago in the summer, it completed repairs to the Small Square in the historic center of the city, which cost over 40 million CZK. Last year, builders completed modifications to Riegrovo Square in front of the Czech Railways station for more than 100 million CZK. The city hall is also preparing the reconstruction of October 28 Square near the Tesco shopping center, with estimated costs ranging from 60 to 70 million CZK.