Chinese artist Ai Weiwei announced via Twitter at the end of last year that, so far, his greatest performance was the demolition of his own studio FAKE Design, which did not last more than a few months on the outskirts of Shanghai before it was torn down overnight by Chinese authorities. Of course, Ai Weiwei carefully documented the entire event, and since mid-July, it can be seen along with many of his other projects at Kunsthaus in Bregenz, Austria. A total of three floors showcase architectural projects that this artist has created since 1999. The focus is on the second floor, where a new installation, long planned specifically for this exhibition, has been created in the middle of the hall. Ai Weiwei could not attend the grand opening on July 15, 2011, where KUB director Yilmaz Dziewior, KUB curators Rudolf Sagmeister and Eva Birkenstock spoke, for known reasons. Currently, it is not known where Ai Weiwei is located or how he is doing. At the same time, an exhibition of graphic works by this versatile artist is taking place at the nearby Fotomuseum Winterthur.