Exhibition "Aulík Fišer Architects / Designs and Realizations 1995-2010"
Jaroslav Fragner Gallery 16.6. - 29.8.2010
Source Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera
Publisher Tisková zpráva
16.06.2010 21:30
The exhibition presents a fifteen-year period of work from the office from 1995 to 2010. In the main hall, the entrance to the exhibition is defined by a 1:1 scale model of a section of the facade of the E BB Center administrative building, made of metal, with a real surface texture, occupying an entire wall. The unusual perforated facade, known more from a distance along the Prague motorway, was developed as a geometry that absorbs and disperses traffic noise. The installation of a certain section approximates its artistic aspect, whose primary function is to physically limit the impacts of traffic on the urban environment. The center of the hall features a longitudinal irregular table corpus on which almost twenty models are placed, partially made uniformly for the exhibition from cardboard, and partially featuring authentic working models that the authors worked with along with their team during the design of the objects. The models in various scales document the studio's work ranging from the smallest wooden chapel to large administrative and residential buildings. The third part includes large-format black-and-white photographs of the exhibited models taken with a camera obscura, allowing for a somewhat unconventional perspective. A publication has been released in conjunction with the exhibition, containing nearly forty works by the studio from 1995 - 2010. The author of the graphic concept of the catalog is Robert V. Novák, and the selection of buildings is supplemented with texts by architectural theorist prof. Rostislav Švácha, publicist Petr Volf, and architect Pavel Nasadil.