Hradčanská 150m exhibition of 21 students from the studio Ondřej Císler and Tomáš Oth at FA ČVUT in the summer semester of 2012 → 7 diploma theses from students of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ČVUT from the studio of Petr Šikola → Gallery Chodník, Glass Palace, Náměstí Svobody 1, Prague 6 → Vernissage Thursday, September 5, 2013, 5 PM → The mayor of the Prague 6 district, Marie Kousalíková, and architect Pavel Nasadil will speak → Wine, architecture, jazz → The exhibition will last from September 6 to October 11, 2013, 24 hours → → You are invited, too! ←
The Chodník Gallery in Prague 6 at Náměstí Svobody 1 will, in cooperation with the FA and FSv ČVUT, offer an exhibition of student works dealing with the Hradčanská space. This key urban space at the intersection of four urban districts - Dejvice, Bubeneč, Letná, and Hradčany, requires fundamental consideration of its future use. A space comparable to Prague's Anděl or Florencí should become a significant urban center, utilizing all of its urban potential arising from excellent transport accessibility, tension at the intersection of diverse urban structures, and its lucrative plots of land. The vernissage will include the launch of the AOC catalog produced by the Golden Section publishing house, a discussion on the issue, musical performance, and refreshments. Everyone is warmly invited.