Exhibitions on the occasion of the event 100 years of the power plant building of the Tatra Gallery in Poprad:
Daniel Libeskind: Architecture is a Language A unique exhibition by one of the most significant architects of our time, living in New York and creating all over the world
OSA atelier An exhibition of the architectural work of the duo of Poprad architects Miloslav Dulík and Branislav Rzyman
Power Plant TG 1992 - 2012 from the history of the exhibition activities and reconstruction of the Tatra Gallery in Poprad
Curators of the exhibitions: Tadeáš Goryczka, Jaroslav Němec, Jiří Jůza, Jerzy Ilkosz, Rastislav Udžan, Anna Ondrušeková
Main organizer Tatra Gallery in Poprad Co-organizers: Prešov Self-Governing Region City of Poprad Association for Ostrava Culture SPOK Cabinet of Architecture Ostrava Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava / GVUO, Museum of Architecture in Wrocław / MAW Studio Daniel Libeskind / SDL
Exhibitions will last until March 3, 2013
The Tatra Gallery in Poprad, on the occasion of the centenary of the power plant building - its current headquarters, has prepared an extensive international project dedicated to architecture, film, photography, and music, under the traditional title FactoryArt 2012. The opening of several concurrent exhibitions followed a challenging multi-year preparation and organization process involving significant international institutions in the USA, Poland, and the Czech Republic. The building of the former steam power plant, a cultural monument and one of the most beautiful preserved structures of "technical Art Nouveau" from the early 20th century in the Tatra region, will come alive for 3 months with contemporary architecture. This will be a presentation of the architecture of local Poprad creators, but above all, an exhibition by one of the most significant world architects - Daniel Libeskind. This Poprad architectural celebration will be a thank you to all those who believed in the vision of the Tatra Gallery to transform the old factory building designated for demolition into an attractive cultural venue.
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