Atlas in Practice

Lenka Šubrtová
30.08.2021 13:55

Michal Bílek
Jakub Dvořák
atlas forem

Accept the invitation to another exhibition and lecture in the "Praktiku" showcase in Olomouc (Švermova 5), which will take place on Friday, September 3, 2021, at 6:30 PM.

After Haná, South Bohemia, Prague, and Brno, this time we will be heading to Pardubice, or rather, Pardubice will be coming to us.

The invitation has been accepted by a promising, young, and unconventional studio: Atlas forem, which was founded shortly after graduation (at the technical university in Liberec) by two friends/architects, Jakub Dvořák and Michal Bílek. Their signature resists being categorized and exists within the vast universe of contemporary architecture. Although the name of the studio suggests that form is the most important element in design, appearances can be deceiving. Designing in this studio means engaging in a serious game. A game with models and natural inspirations from which space, materials, and the subsequent life of buildings are born. Only then does everything crystallize into the final form, which is characterized by a strong aesthetics and healthy self-confidence.

The studio is still in its initial phase, and already it is one of the most inspiring, making it worth watching closely.
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