In February of this year, the international jury met for the fifteenth time to evaluate the competition Excellent Product of the Year 2006. This national design competition is among the oldest professional competitions in our country held in the field of design. Its origins date back to 1964. Since 1991, it has been announced and organized by the Design Center of the Czech Republic according to the model of ISCID, the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Since 2002, when it was included among the core events of the National Policy for Quality Support in the Czech Republic, the Excellent Product of the Year competition has been organized in cooperation with the Council of the Czech Republic for Quality.
The award of the National Design Award 2006 and other awards in the national design competition Excellent Product of the Year 2006 was under the auspices of the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Mr. Jiří Paroubek. The main partner of the Excellent Product of the Year 2006 competition is the joint stock company Veletrhy Brno, specifically the International Housing Fair MOBITEX, the main media partner is Czech Radio, and other partners include the magazine Design Trend and the joint stock company Znovín Znojmo. The meeting of the international jury took place in Brno on February 8 and 9, 2006. The international jury for the Excellent Product of the Year 2006 competition consisted of: Chairman of the jury: Doc. akad. soch. Ferdinand Chrenka – designer and educator, Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava (Slovakia). Jury members: Mgr. Severin Filek – Director of Design Austria (Austria); Karel Kobosil – Director of the Design Center of the Czech Republic; PhDr. Dagmar Koudelková – Design Center of the Czech Republic, exhibition curator; Massimo Pitis – President of the Bureau of European Design Associations BEDA (Italy); Liběna Rochová – fashion designer; Prof. akad. soch. Václav Šerák – designer and educator, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen; akad. mal. Jiří Šuhájek, Mgr. from the Royal College of Arts – glass artist; Pavel Zapletal – designer; PhDr. Lenka Žižková – Design Center of the Czech Republic, Deputy Director, Head of the Prague branch of DC CR and journalist. Secretary of the jury: Ing. Milan Kabát, Design Center of the Czech Republic.
A total of 130 nominated and properly registered projects divided into two categories were evaluated. Within these categories, the respective works were assigned to one of three competition areas that reflect the user's relationship to the product. Altogether, 27 works were selected for awarding in three degrees, of which: 15 works were awarded Good Design, 11 works received Excellent Design, and 1 work received the National Design Award 2006.
The international jury decided to award five additional national awards and one international award: • Award for Journalism • Award for Significant Contribution to the Development of Design, • Award for Promotion of Design, • Award for Ecological Design, • Award for Managerial Achievement in the Field of Design • Design Prestige – International Award
Good Design Award 2006
In the category of visions, concepts, theories, the Good Design 2006 award was received by:
Design of a flat modular lamp LEDTECH (brand name LEDTECH-WW) for interior lighting. Design: Ing. arch. Jan Louda;
Design of a daily medication dispenser called Tube. Design: Petr Novák;
Design (concept) of the Loewe home theater. Design: Petr Novák.
In the category of realized final products and equipment, the Good Design 2006 award was received by:
Table Unitable. Design: Prof. ak. arch. Jiří Pelcl. Manufacturer: EXBYDO, s.r.o., from Pelhřimov. The company EXBYDO is represented by Mr. Michal Janeček, the managing director, when receiving the awards.
Chair NOVA. Design: Ing. Petr Šebela. Manufacturer: Kovonax, spol. s r.o. from Bystřice pod Hostýnem. The award for the manufacturer is accepted by the director, Mr. Ing. Jaroslav Drozd.
Set of glasses made of hand-blown soda-lime glass Mr. EGG. Design: Mgr.A. Michal Froněk from the Olgoj Chorchoj studio. Manufacturer: Moravské sklárny Květná-Strání, s.r.o. The award is co-received by the director of the glassworks, Mr. Ing. Jiří Tesař.
Quality Czech souvenir – pocket square. Design: Mgr.A. Jitka Škopová. Manufacturer: joint stock company Mileta Hořice. The award is co-received by the general director of Mileta and chairman of the board, Mr. Ing. Dalibor Hudák.
Set of silicone kitchen accessories Feel X, Design: MgA. Darja Smetanová, product designer of Tescoma design studio. Manufacturer: Tescoma, s.r.o. Zlín. The award is co-received by the managing director of Tescoma, Mr. Jiří Vaculík, and art director of the company, Mr. Ing. Petr Stibora.
Children's footwear named Three children is not many. Design: BcA. Jana Gajdošíková, manufacturer Fare, s.r.o., Slopné. The award is co-received by the owner of the company, Mr. Alois Šůstek.
Hockey set BOTAS HK 46081-7-518 MIRAGE 551 PRO with BOTAS ICEHAWK PRO skates. Design and construction of hockey footwear: Lukáš Sodomka. Design of the hockey skate: Ing. David John from the design studio Factum Design. Manufacturer: Botas a.s., Skuteč. The award is co-received by the general director and chairman of Botas, Mr. Ing. Petr Lajžner.
Series of Aquarium lighting. Design: Ing. arch. Miloš Zimula and Ing. arch. Dalibor Borák, Manufacturer: Ateh, spol. s r.o., Brno. The award is accepted by Mr. Ing. Zdeněk Čepický from the company Ateh, along with the designers.
Armchair Not only 4 seats. Design: Jaroslav Koza. Manufacturer: Miroslav Maňas - mminteriér Luhačovice. The award is co-received by the owner of the company Miroslav Maňas.
Sofa Vážka. Design: René Šulc. Manufacturer: Miroslav Maňas - mminteriér Luhačovice. The award is co-received by the owner of the company Miroslav Maňas.
Series of outdoor furniture Preva. Design: Mgr.A. Radek Hegmon and Mgr.A. David Karásek. Manufacturer: mmcité, a.s., Zlín. The award is accepted by the company's owners, both designers, Mr. Radek Hegmon and Mr. David Karásek.
Series of glasses for branded beverages. Design: akad. soch. Rony Plesl, Manufacturer: SAHM, s.r.o., Dolní Měcholupy - Prague. The award is accepted by the managing director of the company, Mr. Pavel Bobošík, along with the designer.
Excellent Product of the Year 2006 Award
The international jury awarded the creators and manufacturers of these products:
Universal hospital bed IMAGE. Design: akad. soch. Jiří Španihel. Manufacturer: LINET, spol. s r. o. Slaný - Želevčice. The award is co-received by the director of Linet, Mr. Ing. Zbyněk Frolík. Jury Statement:The universal hospital bed Image addresses seemingly simple problems of patient mobility, which one does not perceive until they are healthy. The structural solution creates a positive space for the mutual relationship between the user and the nursing staff.
Porcelain set BOHEMIA WHITE. Design: Prof. ak. arch. Jiří Pelcl. Manufacturer: Český porcelán, akciová společnost, Dubí. The award is co-received by the general director of Český porcelán Dubí, Mr. Ing. Vlastimil Faix. Jury Statement:The representative set in demanding technical execution from pure white porcelain has a high aesthetic level and does not lack a number of original functional elements that enhance the unique expression of the entire collection.
Collection of chairs TONSTER. (Roton 558 – chair 323 and table 421 604; Starton 554 – chair 311 554 and table 421 604; Tondo 560 – chair 323 560 and table 471 607). Design: Tom Kelly. Manufacturer: TON, a.s., Bystřice pod Hostýnem. The award is co-received by the sales director of the joint stock company TON, Mr. Ing. Milan Dostalík accompanied by Ing. Eva Jančíková. Jury Statement:The new collection of chairs designed by a foreign (German) designer for the Czech manufacturer is an example of modern, simple, and timeless design, linking to the long-standing tradition of classic "thonetek". A strong point of the collection is the potential for various solutions.
Memories of Africa 2005. Clothing collection presented at the Styl 2005 fair. Design: Martina Nevařilová. Manufacturer: Fatimex, spol. s r.o. Prague, represented by the firm's representative, Ms. Sylvie Bužgová, when accepting the award. Jury Statement:The collection Memories of Africa 2005 was recognized for the author's philosophical approach to clothing. It stood out for its original cut solutions, used materials, colorfulness, and application of ethnic motifs that enhance the multicultural environment. The collection also meets the demands placed on mass production.
Bathtub Evolution. Design: Kryštof Nosál. Manufacturer: Ravak, a.s. Příbram. The award is accepted by the co-owner of Ravak, Mr. Jindřich Vařeka. Jury Statement:The philosophy and shape language that the author used for the Evolution bathtub are based on the prenatal subconscious perception of the egg (ellipse) as the safest stage of human life. The bathtub meets current demands on the design and equipment of bathrooms as well as on relaxation in the water. It can be complemented with a headrest and handle.
Universal transport bed Stretcher Sprint. Design: MA Ivan Dlabač. Manufacturer: LINET, spol. s r.o. Slaný-Želevčice. The award is co-received by the director of Linet, Mr. Ing. Zbyněk Frolík. Jury Statement:A well-designed product that combines technology with quality design. Its ergonomic, technological, and utility properties provide a convincing example of the use of design in medical technology, where it is imperative to pay close attention to social considerations.
Collection of door handles Nissot New Generation with switching to the Nissot lighting system. Design: Prof. Milan Knížák, Dr. A. Manufacturer: Microset, s.r.o. Brno. The award is co-received by the director of Microset, PhDr. Miroslav Vlček. Jury Statement:The new generation system of electronic control of interior lighting Nissot is a set of significantly different elements. One of the elements of this system is also the handles, which include the switching of the system, so-called switches, which the design author has thematically connected into a unified expression. The dynamics is a significant metaphor relating not only to individual elements of the entire handle collection but also to the company itself, which is experiencing intense development. Six solution variations named Nissot New Generation offer target customers a wide selection of shapes and processing of handles along with electronic switches while preserving the author's unified handwriting of the whole.
Furniture series Koxy. Design: Jan Čtvrtník. Manufacturer: Miroslav Maňas – mminteriér, Luhačovice. Design: Jan Čtvrtník. The award is co-received by the owner of mminteriér, architect Miroslav Maňas. Jury Statement:The original design of the upholstered seating group Koxy won first place in the competition announced by the Design Center of the Czech Republic for the company mminteriér Luhačovice and was awarded the National Award for Student Design 2005. The design author, Jan Čtvrtník, expanded the assignment, and in cooperation with the manufacturer, an original shape solution utilizing free cutouts was achieved. The jury also appreciates the precise execution of the upholstered seating group.
Porcelain set TOM. Design: ak.soch. Jiří Laštovička. Manufacturer: Karlovarský porcelán a.s., Karlovy Vary - Stará Role. The award will be accepted along with the designer by the chairman of the board of Karlovarský porcelán, Mr. Ing. Radovan Květ. Jury Statement:The porcelain set for mass production is intended for the widest use in both domestic and foreign markets. Its simple yet distinctive cylindrical shape is enhanced by semicircular handles and grips. Due to its concept, it is also predisposed to creating original geometric and linear decorations. It is a perspective shape for use in contemporary modern interiors.
Porcelain set Catrin. Design: ak.soch. Jiří Laštovička. Manufacturer: Karlovarský porcelán a.s., Karlovy Vary-Stará Role. The award will be accepted along with the designer by the chairman of the board of Karlovarský porcelán, Mr. Ing. Radovan Květ. Jury Statement:This porcelain set for series production is intended for the widest use. The rustic shape with relief linear decoration convinces with the softness of flat shapes and the pronounced roundness of hollow shapes. It represents a significant type of contemporary porcelain for household use.
Bar tools Barbar. Design: MgA. Ladislav Škoda, chief designer of Tescoma design studio. Manufacturer: Tescoma, s.r.o. Zlín. The award is co-received by the managing director of Tescoma, Mr. Jiří Vaculík, who also leads the company's development center, and the art director of the company, Mr. Ing. Petr Stibora. Jury Statement:The professional bartender tools introduced under the commercial name Barbar form a cohesive system of elements that provide a high functional and aesthetic standard. The author, with a sensitivity for form and material, works with polished and matte stainless steel, which gives the product a character of precision while also meeting demanding hygienic criteria. The whole product, including the stand, is housed in an elegant portable case, which completes the overall concept of the manufacturer presenting its production at a global level.
The National Design Award 2006 comes with a cash prize of 100,000 crowns, donated by the joint stock company Brněnské veletrhy. The check is presented by the general director of the joint stock company Brněnské veletrhy, Mr. Ing. Jiří Škrla. The National Design Award in 2006 was awarded to The VICENZA Drinkware Set, whose design was addressed by Prof. akad. arch. Jiří Pelcl. The applicant for this work is BOHEMIA CRYSTALEX TRADING a. s., Liberec, and the manufacturer is CRYSTALEX a. s., Nový Bor. The director of the plant in Nový Bor is Mr. Ing. Miroslav Šebesta. International Jury Statement:A very successful concept for automatic production represents a contemporary, stylistically defined approach in the field of drinkware. It is simple, readable, with a clear consistent approach from the designer, who also designed the packaging system with modern graphic design. The author sensitively works with simple shape solutions that comply very well with the rules of glass technology and are necessary for large-scale automatic production. Vicenza is a clear signal and a good path into the future.
In addition to the Good Design 2006 and Excellent Design 2006 awards, the international jury further awarded five additional national awards and one international award:
Award for Ecological Design 2006 to Microset, s. r. o. from Brno for the model series of handles of the patented NISSOT lighting control system. The author of the patented solution is PhDr. Miroslav Vlček, the director of Microset s.r.o. from Brno. The expert jury stated about this product that: “The model series of handles Nissot New Generation of the patented wireless control system for lamps NISSOT allows for a reduction in electrical installation costs thanks to significantly lower material demands of the distribution network. This system also extends the lifespan of the bulb, thus reducing operating costs. By saving materials, it significantly contributes to reducing the ecological burden on the environment.”
Award for Significant Contribution to the Development of Design was awarded to designer and educator Mr. Miroslav Klíma from Uherské Hradiště, who celebrated a significant life anniversary last October (1935). The Design Center of the Czech Republic awards the prize for a significant contribution to the development of design to Miroslav Klíma, a prominent personality of a naturally cultivated and rationally sensing designer, but above all a sensitive educator who has initiated the interest of dozens of students in shaping everyday objects that serve us in work or are our daily helpers.
Award for Journalism was awarded to Mgr. Jan Tůma, editor of Czech Radio from the special projects editorial office. Jan Tůma received this award for: the ingenuity and effort with which he has prepared quality radio programs about design, lifestyle, and architecture for years (primarily the program Moving Holiday), which promote both Czech and foreign design and contribute to the awareness and education of radio listeners.
Award for Promotion of Design. This significant award was given by the Design Center of the Czech Republic to the civic association CZECHDESIGN.CZ, which was established in 2003. The award is accepted by the chairperson of the civic association MgA. Veronika Loušová. The award recognizes outstanding efforts in promoting Czech design through the operation of the website with a Design Magazine and Designer Directory. Currently, its activities have expanded to exhibition activities. This year, CZECHDESIGN.CZ is co-organizing a designer exhibition titled DESIGN MATCH Czech Republic: Slovakia as part of the international exhibition art&interior.
Award for Managerial Achievement in the Field of Design for the year 2006. This award was granted for the drinkware set for branded beverages. The manufacturer is SAHM CS, s.r.o. from Prague - Dolní Měcholupy. The design was addressed by Rony Plesl. The award is accepted by the general director of SAHM, Mr. Pavel Bobošík, along with the design author, Mr. Rony Plesl. The award is given for the creative managerial approach, through which the company Sahm, s.r.o. broke the conservative attitudes regarding the product to the end user and convinced its buyers of the importance of using original design. Over the last two years, more than twenty exclusive collections of consumer glass have been created and introduced for twelve brand manufacturers. The exclusive design of this consumer glass meets the standards of both domestic and foreign brands in terms of design.
The international jury decided to award the international award Design Prestige to Linet, spol. s r. o. from Želevčice near Slaný, represented by its director, Ing. Zbyněk Frolík. The Design Center of the Czech Republic awards the international Design Prestige award to the Czech manufacturer LINET, spol. s r.o., for systematic, significant, and consistent use of design as a strategic tool for the dynamic development of the company. LINET has prioritized the creativity of top Czech designers within its corporate strategy from the very beginning when entering both the domestic and global market. Systematic application of design throughout the entire production program is a dominant feature of the company.
Design Center of the Czech Republic, a state organizational unit Radnická 2 602 00 Brno tel: 542 211 423, 542 214 125 fax: 542 210 432 e-mail: www.
workplace of the Design Center of the Czech Republic Prague Jungmannova 30 – Mozarteum 110 00 Prague 1 tel.: 223 317 860 –1 fax: 222 317 862 e-mail: www.
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