Mesto Leopoldov
Tisková zpráva
27.10.2014 14:25

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In an anonymous competition, the project from the Prešov studio, known for the realization of the Kasárne/Kulturpark within the EHMK Košice 2013, won out of 51 proposals. The winning design impressed the jury with its "thoughtful restraint." Architects from zerozero decided not to demolish the historical building of the office - they placed a library in it and also designed a new town hall, which, together with the original, creates a new public space.
The opening of all proposals will take place on November 22 at 14:00 in the cafeteria of the Elementary School in Leopoldov (Holubyho Street 2). A part of the jury will also be present, and the exhibition will be available for viewing on the following day.
The proposals along with the jury's comments are published here: id=129.
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