Award: Ostrava-Svinov Railway Station, Revitalization of the Forecourt, reconstruction and extension of the dispatch building, author Václav Filandr Honorary Mention: Business Innovation Center Zlín, author Pavel Mudřík
Category Interior
Award: Private Apartment, author Petr Vágner
Category Landscape Architecture and Garden Design
Award: Castle Park in Ctěnice, authors Tomáš Jiránek, David Prudík, co-authors Vlastmil Koupal, Adéla Jiránková
Category Urbanism
Award: Urban Plan of the City of Veltrusy, authors Roman Koucký, Lucie Faturíková, Jan Špilar, Petr Hrdlička, Martin Kubeš
Category Architectural Design and Small Architecture
Award: Renovation of the Císařská Konírna Gallery, author Petr Franta, co-authors Štěpán Sekera, Jakub Volek, Hana Kačírková, Lucie Laštovičková, Jiří Sedláček