The subject of the competition was the preparation of an architectural-urbanistic design for the revitalization of Palacký Square in Lomnice.
Organizer: Petra Parléř Company, o.p.s. / Town of Lomnice Acting: PhDr. Allan Gintel, CSc., managing director of the company Authorized person: PhDr. Marta El Bournová Acting: Ing. Milan Vojta, MPA, mayor of the town Authorized person: Mgr. Marie Brázdová, Ph.D., delegated councilor Competition Secretary: PhDr. Allan Gintel, CSc., Petra Parléř Company, o.p.s.
Regular jury members - dependent Mgr. Marie Brázdová, Ph.D., councilor Ing. Petr Nahodil, member of the council
Regular jury members - independent Ing.arch. Marek Štěpán Ing.arch. Eva Špačková Ing.arch. Jan Sedlák
Substitutes of the jury - dependent Milan Peringer, vice-mayor
Substitutes of the jury - independent Ing.arch. Ing. Jiří Janďourek
Date of the competition: September 27, 2016 - November 24, 2016 Date of results publication: January 5, 2017 Number of submitted proposals: 15 Total prizes and awards: 160,000 CZK 1st prize: 80,000 CZK Authors: Ing. Kateřina Miholová, Ing.arch. Norbert Obršál, Ing.arch. Jan Kubát, Bc. Linda Boušková, Bc. David Helešic Collaborating persons: Ing.arch. Václav Mihola, Ing.arch. Daniel Struhařík Jury's evaluation: The proposal is developed generously, based on historically given facts, primarily defining the square's space for pedestrians. It directs traffic into a one-way communication along the square's perimeter. It emphasizes the potential of the southwestern part of the square, seeing the greatest opportunity for change in the gradual restoration of the square in connection with the castle park. It successfully deals with the complex morphology of the site. The proposal is feasible.
2nd prize: 40,000 CZK Authors: Ing.arch. Ivo Pavlík, Ing.arch. Vratislav Ansorge, Ing.arch. Lucie Kadrmanová Chytilová Collaborating persons: Jan Poslušný, MgA. Filip Kosek, MgA. Jiří Polák, Ing.arch. Petra Roškotová, MgrA. Jarin Krouz, Bc. Kristian Holan, Bc. Štěpánka Úlehlová Jury's evaluation: The proposal freely integrates the square's area and incorporates Renaissance elements. In its generosity, it deals more complexly with some parts. The unlimited continuation of the geometric grid is rather formal; the traffic has a good layout but insufficient boundaries. The greenery remains largely unchanged. An interesting element is the concept of festive lighting for the most interesting landmarks of the town. The theme of pedestrian connection between local squares could be an impulse for the town, but it is outside the addressed area. With further refinement, the proposal is feasible.
2nd prize: 40,000 CZK Authors:Markéta and Petr Veličkovi Co-author: Ing. Pavla Drbalová Collaborating persons: Ing. Katka Sapáková, Ing. Tomáš Popelinský Jury's evaluation: The proposal strives to maximally reflect the preserved values, supplemented only with contemporary stabilizing and street furniture. Everything is directed to and connected by the plague column, utilizing a carpet of paving that lightens towards the center of the column to emphasize its significance. The connection of different height levels between the square and the shopping center via stairs is interesting. The whole proposal shows a balanced connection of greenery and open space. The arrangement of the area in front of the castle is somewhat formal. With further refinement, the proposal is feasible.