London - The jury of the prestigious Mies van der Rohe Award today selected five finalists. They will compete in May for the award, which is given every two years by the European Union for architecture. Among the finalists are primarily cultural buildings from Poland, Germany, and Denmark. However, none of the ten nominated Czech creations made it to the finals. The judges will announce the winning building at a gala evening in Barcelona on May 8, which could be the philharmonic hall in Szczecin, the Museum of Art in Regensburg, or the Danish Maritime Museum in Helsingør. Also nominated are the Italian Antinori winery near Florence and the Saw Swee Hock student center in London. The ten nominated Czech buildings, including two works each from architect Josef Pleskot and the studio Hájek architekti, did not make it to the shortlist in the competition of a total of 420 buildings.