Public, two-stage, architectural-structural competition for the design of the structural solution for a new combined city bridge over the Vltava River, which will connect Holešovice and Troja at the location of Partyzánská - Povltavská streets.
Type of competition
public anonymous, project-based, two-stage, architectural-structural competition for the design
City Hall of Prague Vyšehradská 51 120 00 Prague 2 Tel: 236 044 247 Authorized representatives: Jiří Zeman, tel:236 004 528
The subject of the competition is the proposal of the most suitable architectural representation and structural solution for a new combined road and tram bridge over the Vltava River and its integration into the landscape in connection with the choice of the bridge construction concept. The bridge over the Vltava River is a construction project SO 9031.01 Troja Bridge, part of construction no. 0079 Špejchar – Pelc Tyrolka, a set of buildings of the City Ring Road (hereinafter referred to as MO) in the section Myslbekova – Pelc Tyrolka.
Purpose and mission of the competition
Considering that the new bridge over the Vltava will significantly affect the appearance of the Troja basin and based on recommendations from the discussion process of the documentation DÚR, the investor has decided to specify the architectural-structural solution for the Troja Bridge in the form of a competition, which will allow the selection of the optimal solution from multiple designs that meet both technical parameters and architectural requirements for this engineering work.
Regular members of the jury: Ing. Jan Bürgermeister - MHMP Ing. Jiří Toman - MHMP OMI JUDr. Tomáš Vavřinec - MČ P7 Ing. Arch. Petr Mareš - MČ P8 Ing. Michael Zachař - NPÚ Ing.arch. Milan Košař - ČKA Prof. Ing.arch. Miroslav Masák - ČKA Akad.arch. Ladislav Kuba - ČKA Vladislav Hrdoušek - ČKAIT Ing. Jiří Plíčka - ČSSI Ing. Jiří Hejnic - ČKAIT
Alternates of the jury Ing.arch. Stanislav Stránský - MČ P7 Ing. Filip Koucký - MČ P8 Prof. Ing. Vladimír Křístek - MHMP Ing.arch. Jan Aulík - ČKA Akad.arch. Antonín Polony - ČKA Doc.Ing.Mencl Vojtěch - ČKAIT Ing. Vratislav Baum - ČSSI
Date of the inaugural jury meeting – March 13, 2006 Date of announcement of the competition – March 24, 2006 Deadline for submitting questions by competitors – April 24, 2006 Meeting of the competition jury to answer questions – April 25, 2006 Deadline for answering questions – April 28, 2006 Date of submission of competition proposals – June 2, 2006 Date of the competition jury meeting to evaluate competition proposals June 13, 14, 15, 2006
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