The ARCH 2005 award was granted

Jan Kratochvíl
06.11.2005 17:30
On Thursday, November 3rd, the ARCH Award for the best Slovak architectural realization was presented at the Bratislava Tranzit workshops. This year's award was won by the young studio 00 [zerozero] from Prešov for the realization of CMYK Rental Apartment Buildings in Prešov.

I experienced firsthand both this year's presentation of the Czech Grand Prix OA and the Slovak ARCH. I have completely different feelings about both events. While the GP is an impersonal and pompous show derived from film or music awards, the ARCH awards are a pleasant evening gathering of the architectural community with a completely relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

The ARCH Award has a different model than its Czech sibling GP. Not just anyone can submit their work; they must be nominated. This addresses the weak point in the Czech system, where some interesting buildings are not considered at all because their authors did not submit them. Projects are not categorized, and the entire competition is much clearer and more straightforward. It cannot happen that, for example, no award is given in a certain category for several years, as is the case with us. Thus, it can be said that the mere nomination (there were a total of 7 nominated this year) is an award and a tribute to the architects. From these nominees, the jury selects one winner.

The festive evening was opened by Boris Ondreička, the manager of the Tranzit workshops, who welcomed everyone and introduced the spatial installation by the elder statesman of Slovak avant-garde art, Stano Filko (*1937), in whose space the celebration took place.
Subsequently, the former publisher of the magazine ARCH, Martin Mašek, took the floor, summarizing the ten-year history of the magazine ARCH, reminiscing, thanking, and informing about the change of the magazine's publisher. According to the information, ARCH will continue to be published in its current form, just as the ARCH Award will continue to be presented.

The evening was hosted by the editor-in-chief of ARCH - Henrieta Moravčíková. During her performance, I understood how important the role of the evening's moderator is. Her charisma made the evening a pleasant event while maintaining its professional seriousness. While the Czech GP is organized by an art agency that deals with architecture peripherally, and its moderator cannot pronounce the jury member's names and shows other faux pas, in Slovakia, the ARCH Award is a heartfelt affair and is cared for in that way. The organizers view it as their beloved child rather than a business tool.

Henrieta Moravčíková pointed out the liveliness of Slovak architecture compared to the Czech one. Greater courage to take risks and be inspired by current events, as well as abandoning ideas, stand in contrast to the Czech rigidity and the strict, responsible, constraining approach. She supported this hypothesis with the awarded realizations in the ARCH award. She touched on the issue of enlightened investors and the thinking of the jurors through the sad example of the Stupava Glass House.

It was very pleasant to have the buildings introduced by their own authors. Once again, I cannot avoid comparing it with the Czech GP, where awarded buildings were presented through a psychedelic film snippet. In Bratislava, each author introduced their work themselves, accompanied by photographs and drawings, and I must admit that this approach was very enriching. I must acknowledge that architect Palčo is a born performer and warmed up the whole hall. An especially successful gathering!

Nominated buildings:
CMYK Rental Apartment Buildings, Prešov, 2005 - studio zerozero
National Bank of Slovakia, branch in Žilina, 2003 - architects Fajčík-Likovčan-Toman
Platan Residential Complex, Bratislava, 2005 - architect Polyák
Ingsteel Multifunctional Building, Bratislava, 2005 - architect Závodný
Jaguar Sales and Service Center, Bratislava, 2004 - Egyed-Palčo
Residential Villas, Bratislava, 2004 - architect Polyák
Unger Loft, Bratislava, 2003 - architect Fečík

Henrieta introduced this year's jury in a very engaged and knowledgeable manner. The award was presented by one of the jurors - Hungarian architect Zsolt Gunther, who shared his impressions of the jury's work in his English address. The awardees received, among other things, two plaques that will be placed on the awarded building and in the studio, respectively.

The concluding buffet and informal discussion circles were a pleasant end to the entire celebration. I am glad that I attended the presentation and thank the organizers for charging me with positive energy. Slovak architecture is interesting, and our goal is to introduce it to the world through archiweb. This feeling was also enhanced by the tour of Bratislava - thanks to Juraj and his friend!!! There is no boredom in Bratislava.

Winners from previous years:
1998 - Kráter House, Bratislava, 1998 - architect Hájek
1999 - Recreational Cottage, Senec, 1998 - ksa.
2000 - Roman Catholic Pastoral Center, Bratislava, 1999 - studio ZÁVODNÝ AA
2001 - Family House, Stupava, 2000 - ksa.
2002 - National Bank of Slovakia, Bratislava, 2001 - Kusý-Paňák
2003 - Montex Area, Rovinka, 2002 - architect Žitňanský
2004 - Furniture House Atrium, Bratislava, 2004 - studio ZÁVODNÝ AA
The English translation is powered by AI tool. Switch to Czech to view the original text source.
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Cena Dušana Jurkoviča
07.11.05 02:01
Národní ceny
Jan Kratochvíl
07.11.05 04:11
RE: Národní ceny
07.11.05 04:16
07.11.05 04:09
je to tak
08.11.05 10:40
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