Studies by the Office of Ryue Nishizawa

Nakladatelství: INAX Publishing
Rok vydání: 2010
ISBN: 9784872751550
Formát: 112 stran, 15x21 cm, paperback
Jazyk: english, japan
Naše cena: 540 Kč (bez 0 % DPH: 540,00 Kč)
  22.04 € (bez 0 % DPH: 22,04 €)
Skladem: 0 ks (standardní doba expedice do 28 dnů)

‘I like the debris that results from making studies – drawing, rough models, sketches and so on as they have an elusive charm that differs from that of completed objects,’ claims Ryue Nishizawa in his introductory essay. ‘Buildings are complete, static, motionless, but studies are always incomplete, fluid.’ The dynamism that captures this moment of architectural creation is reflected in the 13 works that are explored here, including studies for projects both still under design and completed. Including three essays, drawings, sketches, notes and photographs, both small and large projects – such as the Towada Art Center, House A, Kunamoto Terminal and the Moriyama House – are explored in this invaluable and enchanting insight into the workings of a celebrated architect.


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