Schön hier. Architektur auf dem Land - výstava v Sýpce Lemberk

Sýpka Lemberk

Místo konání
Lvová čp. 67, 471 25, Jablonné v Podještědí

sun 02.7.2023 15:00

tue 31.10.2023 17:00

sun 02.7.2023 15:00

Odkaz ...

Czech Republic

Jablonné v Podještědí

Tisková zpráva
The Deutsches Architekturmuseum presents selected examples of rural architecture in the exhibition SCHÖN HIER. ARCHITECTURE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE at the premises of the Lemberk Granary.
Rural regions and their architecture have not yet received sufficient attention. The aim of the exhibition is to change this perspective. A multitude of contemporary buildings in the countryside shows the qualities that can be discovered here, as well as how architecture can significantly contribute to a good life outside the cities. The exhibition from the Deutsches Architekturmuseum will be enhanced by a selection from architect Pavla Melková, featuring ten quality examples of buildings from the Czech Republic. It will be on display at the Lemberk Granary from July 2 to October 31, 2023.

"The whole world talks about the process of urbanization and that in the future, half of the people will live in cities. I'm interested in that other half."
Sami Rintala, Finnish architect

The desire of people for life in the countryside has been growing in recent years. There is increasing interest not only in traditional recreation but also in permanent residence and work. To support all of this, modern technical infrastructure and civic amenities are necessary. The concept of the countryside is often perceived very simplistically, and it is necessary to start looking "under the lid" and discover other dimensions of life in rural areas – from social, cultural, and economic conditions to diverse nature and ecosystems with specific landscape features and varied architectural heritage.

Catalog and Exhibition
The exhibition SCHÖN HIER. ARCHITECTURE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE presents a total of 70 exceptional buildings – the majority of which will be presented at the Lemberk Granary – that, according to its curators, have contributed to the development of rural areas. These include not only residential houses, barn conversions, agricultural estates, inns, workshops, and wineries, but also sports facilities and other public infrastructure. The exhibition aims primarily to show how diverse architecture contributes to a pleasant and comfortable life in the countryside. Most of the featured buildings are in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, but other European countries are also represented. The theme of sustainable tourism is increasingly coming to the forefront, just like the inner development of pulsating village cores. All projects are excellent examples of how to develop regional identity, experiment with various forms of civic engagement, and expand local knowledge.
The exhibition showcases new technological innovations and a combination of traditional and contemporary. A significant space is dedicated to conversions and renovations of buildings. Individual structures are described directly by their residents, builders, or architects. The voices of people who significantly influence places and projects are captured – from the municipal council to local architects, winemakers, and local inhabitants. Those who independently initiated construction projects and participatory processes also have their say. Collaborating curators, led by chief curator Annette Becker, visited the Black Forest and Thuringia, as well as two sites in Krumbach, Austria, and Valendas, Switzerland, each of which has advanced its overall development in its unique way.

The aim of the exhibition is to draw attention to both large and very small projects that can serve as inspiration for other construction initiatives and to show that there are many things we can learn from the countryside.
The intention is to highlight special cases, not to provide a comprehensive "picture of rural regions" or to predict what their future development may be.

A catalog of selected Czech projects compiled by architect Pavla Melková, author of the yearbook Czech Architecture 2020–2021
• Cemetery in Prášily
• Town Pavilion in Fryšták
• Crematorium for Animals in Drnov
• Carriage Horse Landscape near Kladruby nad Labem
• Community Center in Opatovice I
• House in Jevíčko
• Family House in Trhové Sviny
• Social Housing in Bílovice nad Svitavou
• Cottage in Jiřetín pod Bukovou
• Family House in Třeboň
The lavish book Schön hier. Architektur auf dem Land from the publisher HATJE CANTZ will be available for purchase at the exhibition at the Lemberk Granary for 800 CZK.
The publication Schön hier. involved: Annette Becker, Stefanie Lampe, Lessano Negussie, Peter Cachola Schmal.
July 2 – October 31, 2023, Lemberk Granary, Lvová no. 67, 471 25, Jablonné v Podještědí
open: Wed-Sun 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Vernissage: July 2, 2023, at 3 PM
with the participation of Annette Becker, curator of the DAM exhibition, and architect Pavla Melková
This exhibition would not have been possible without the support of the Czech-German Future Fund.
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