The route from the city – from Žižkov to Malešice – the path of this year's festival leads from Krenovka over Parukářka to the Cargo Station Žižkov all the way to Malešice. We will offer approximately 30 artistic installations distributed along the route. Exhibitions will be presented at the Cargo Station Žižkov (European Prize for Urban Public Space 2022, Investment Plans of Prague 3, and architect Eva Jiřičná and her largest residential project – CENTRUM NOVÉHO ŽIŽKOVA with a unique wavy tower).
The Landscape Festival is a multidisciplinary platform that has been providing a space for discussion about the quality of urban landscapes in Czech, Moravian, and Silesian towns and municipalities for more than ten years. The fundamental idea of the festival is to raise awareness of the scope, meaning, and significance of the field of landscape architecture in relation to contemporary architecture, art, and public space. Through temporary architectural interventions, artistic installations, exhibitions, and happenings, it aims to transform the urban floor during the summer season and create participatory spaces for encounters among residents, politicians, professionals, and visitors.
program content / temporary architectural and artistic interventions, exhibitions, debates, workshops, environmental happenings