Knihovna pro 21. století

očima studentů brněnské Fakulty architektury


Místo konání
Moravská zemská knihovna v Brně, Kounicova 65a, foyer

wed 05.2.2025 13:00

sat 05.4.2025 18:00

wed 05.2.2025 10:00

Odkaz ...

Jan Kratochvíl
On Wednesday, February 5, 2025, a ceremonial handover of student proposals for the reconstruction of public libraries will take place in the conference hall of the Moravian Land Library in Brno to representatives of three selected municipalities in South Moravia (Popůvky, Malhostovice, and Hrušky). Student teams will present their proposals through architectural drawings, visualizations, paper models, and the reconstructed libraries will be accessible thanks to virtual reality glasses.

The collaboration of the Faculty of Architecture at VUT with the Methodical Center for the Construction and Reconstruction of Libraries will also be highlighted to visitors of MZK through an accompanying exhibition of student projects created over the last two years. Architecture students explore current library trends and subsequently strive to apply them in practice through their designs. Communication with library administrators and their employees is mutually beneficial and prepares students for their future professional careers.

The students' proposals primarily serve as inspiration for the municipalities, although many ideas have already been realized. Projects from previous years have created a solid knowledge database, and thanks to the vertical structure of the studio (with three-member teams consisting of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-year students working on the designs), there is a smooth transfer of experience. The assignments also include smaller tasks, such as the design of currently very popular book booths.

The exhibition in the foyer of the Moravian Land Library will last until April 5, 2025.

Program of the ceremonial handover
WHEN: Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
WHERE: Moravian Land Library in Brno, Conference Hall on the ground floor

9:45-10:00 registration of participants
10:00-10:15 introductory speech - Prof. PhDr. Tomáš Kubíček, Ph.D., General Director of MZK; Mgr. Ing. Jan Malý Blažek, Ph.D., Deputy Dean for Creative Activities at the Faculty of Architecture, VUT in Brno
10:15-10:30 presentation of five years of cooperation between MCVRK and FA VUT - Mgr. Lenka Dostálová, Ing. arch. Jan Kratochvíl
10:30-11:30 presentation of individual proposals - 3 student teams (presentations on TV, physical models, A3 prints - Malhostovice, Popůvky, Hrušky)
11:30-11:45 In the Depths of Memory: A Library Inspired by the Work of Kateřina Tučková (Student Proposal as Part of the Assignment Ideal Library) - Amálie Šmídlová
11:45-12:15 virtual walks through the individual libraries, view of the exhibition of individual proposals and 3D models
Handover, discussion, refreshments
1:00 PM end

Exhibition of student proposals
WHEN: February 5, 2025 - April 5, 2025
WHERE: Moravian Land Library in Brno, Kounicova 65a, foyer

Exhibited student proposals:
Mokrá-Horákov – Samuel Maňák, Kateřina Panáčková, Petr Šustr
Lelekovice – Simona Lebánková, Zuzana Hejduková, Anastázie Mikešová
Drnovice – Gabriela Gajdová, Tomáš Růžička, Jana Vojtěška Skálová
Znojmo-Loucká – Sára Sochová, Monika Cibulová, Tímea Bobuľová
Popůvky – Samuel Maňák, Nina Pešová, Amálie Šmídlová
Malhostovice – Martin Baueršíma, Evelína Pichrtová, Paulína Veselá
Hrušky – Branislav Csiszár, Nelly Eva Juhariová, Tomáš Růžička
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