Jindřich Vybíral: František Schmoranz mladší a recepce islámské architektury ve střední Evropě

Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová

Místo konání
UMPRUM, nám. Jana Palacha 80, Praha 1, 1. patro, posluchárna 115

tue 25.3.2025 18:00


Kamila Stehlíková
Public lectures on Art yesterday and today are this time dedicated to the significant anniversary of UMPRUM, the 140th anniversary of its founding. The 38th cycle will be devoted to “Figures from the history of UMPRUM” and will be opened by a lecture by the rector of UMPRUM, Prof. Jindřich Vybíral, titled “František Schmoranz Jr. and the reception of Islamic architecture in Central Europe.”

The founding director of the School of Applied Arts in Prague, František Schmoranz Jr., was a unique figure in the Czech architectural scene of the 19th century. After several years in Egypt, he became a recognized expert on Islamic architecture and decorative arts, as well as a leading specialist in buildings in the oriental style. Among other things, he designed the Egyptian pavilion for the world exhibition in Vienna in 1873. The lecture presents Schmoranz as the director of UMPRUM, as well as his architectural and design work, with an emphasis on his projects inspired by Islamic art.
The 38th lecture cycle was prepared by Prof. Jindřich Vybíral.
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