Gamble House

Gamble House
Address: 4 Westmoreland Place, Pasadena, USA
Investor:David a Mary Gambleovi
Price:79 000 USD

The best preserved of all the Greenes' fine works is the David B. Gamble residence on Westmoreland Place, Pasadena. Very little has been changed since the original construction. Furniture, carpets, lighting fixtures, silverware, picture frames, linen, etc., all designed for the house by the brothers, remain in excellent condition. Here was the refined application of the sleeping porch, which became the most dramatic element of the house. No detail was left to the discretion of the carpenter; every peg, oak wedge, downspout, air vent, opening and fixture was designed into the whole. The interiors were paneled throughout in mahogany. The elaborate stained glass detail in the lighting fixtures were designed by Charles Greene and executed by Judson Studios.
Esther McCoy, Randell L. Makinson: Five California Architects, p.112-113
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