
Alvar Aalto

*3. 2. 1898Kuortane, Finland
11. 5. 1976Helsinki, Finland
In architecture, there is always some deeper motive peeking out as if from around the corner: the idea of creating paradise. This is the only meaning and purpose of our buildings. If we do not carry this idea with us, our structures will become more ordinary, trivial, and life will become - well, what will be left of life? Every building, every architectural work is a symbol that should show us that we want to build paradise for ordinary mortals here on earth.

Hlavní obrázek
1969-70 Villa Schildt Tammisaari, Finland
Alvar Alto
| 30.08.07 02:34
hola soy un estudiante de arquitectura de primer año y necesito de favor que me envies informacion de esa casa fotos planos lo que sea con anticipacion te agradesco muy cordialmente adios
Villa Schildt
Petr Šmídek
| 29.09.07 04:58
I've been in Finland last week. I've had no time to visit the building You're looking for. You should contact directly the Schild Foundation at: www.villaschildt.fi
btw: I've seen dozens of Aalto's buildings. We'll publish them in the following weeks.
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