The design is neat to say the least.
One thing I am concerned is about the health of the owners. Unless the farmer does not use any pesticides, I would not be confortable leaving in the middle of a corn field that recieves its regular does of phyto/sanitary products to keeps the crops pest free. These products aren't meaningless.
Zdravi obyvatel tohoto mista lze se postarat o, Co nelze napravit je zabor zemedelske pudy. Dum patri do vesnice, ne do poli.
Krasny dum
| 24.11.22 02:36
lokace nestastna.
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One thing I am concerned is about the health of the owners. Unless the farmer does not use any pesticides, I would not be confortable leaving in the middle of a corn field that recieves its regular does of phyto/sanitary products to keeps the crops pest free. These products aren't meaningless.