Architect: OMA | Rem Koolhaas
Address: Leuvenlaan 19, Uithof University Campus, Utrecht, Netherlands
Investor:Universiteit van Utrecht
Completion:09.1995 - 10.1997
Area:11000 m2
Built Up Space:45000 m3
Price:12 000 000 Euro

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plan & elevation of Educatorium
sepinood a
| 16.11.09 01:55
I need plans and elevations of this building.What can i do?
Here is short list of publications with all infos You need
Petr Šmídek
| 17.11.09 10:30
A+U #336, 09/98
Architectural Record #188, 06/00
Architectural Review #205, 04/99
Domus #800, 01/1998
El Croquis 1987-1998 #53+79, 08/06
Journal of Architectural Education #56, 02/03
SMLXL, 2nd Edition, 10/97
World Architecture #69, 02/99
| 26.01.10 12:35
Hello, I am Miguel. If you got plans of educatorium, i would you that you send me the archive. I have to make the structure of this buildinf for a master of structure. Thanks.
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